
Sunday, October 31, 2010

A temp ending

Recently I have found myself the victim of a group who enjoys tormenting people on YouTube. Accusations of me being a "cyber-Stalker" who targets young girls was just one of many things they used to deface my reputation; when that got them a lot of attention, they than began dragging my association with the Catholic Church into it. So, why am I writing about this?

I am writing about this because I want to talk about how people enjoy harming one another. you see, I have a profound knack for getting some of the worst friends imaginable. For example, I had a friend who, back in last May, tried to have me arrested for hacking their website... I can't hack and my specialty is in preventive hacking security. Basically, I can prevent hacking, but can't actually hack. I think it's human nature to cause harm. I think there's something inside of us that gets some sort of sick thrill from doing it. Overall, I think it's just sad... But not everybody is like this, however. There are some good people out there. I recently made a blog talking about such a person. I just wish there were more people like her in this world; at least the world would be a better place and not the "hell" that it is now. Anyways, I guess that's all I have to talk about for now.


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